Section 3: Magnetics Surveying


Magnetics surveys measure the magnitude and orientation of the Earth’s magnetic field.

Magnetic field at Earth’s surface depends on field generated in Earth’s core, magnetic mineral content of surface materials, and remnant magnetisation of surface rocks.

Magnetic susceptibility, k, is physical parameter to which magnetic surveys are sensitive.




History of Magnetics


Example of Magnetic Force, Flux, and Field

A field exists if an object placed in that field experiences a force.

Definition of Magnetic Force

Magnetic poles always exist as dipoles, pairs of opposite polarity, poles. If one pole sufficiently distant so does not affect other, it is said to be a monopole.


Magnetic Force is defined in terms of monopoles:

where m is magnetic permeability of medium .


Magnetic Field Strength H

Induced Magnetisation and Magnetic Susceptibility

Orbital motions of electrons around atoms’ nucleus constitute circular electric currents, causing atoms to behave like magnets.


Intensity of Magnetisation J

A body placed in a magnetic field can become magnetised as atoms and molecules align. Net external field as if bar magnet.


Magnetic Susceptibility k

For low magnetic fields, magnetisation J is proportional to the magnetising field H:

J = k H

where k is called the magnetic susceptibility.

Total Magnetic Field B

The Total Magnetic Field B represents the sum of the magnetising field strength and the magnetisation of the medium:

B = m0(H + J) = m0(H + k H) = mrm0 H = m H

where m0 is magnetic permeability of free space (4p x10-7 H/m)

mr is relative magnetic permeability

m is absolute magnetic permeability

Clearly, mr = m / m0

B is also called the magnetic flux density or magnetic induction.

B vs H

There is often confusion between B and H. In practice, this mostly doesn’t matter, because for measurements in air mr = 1 (i.e. k = 0, can’t magnetise air or a vacuum), and B = m0 H.

Induced and Remnant Magnetisation


Induced Magnetisation

Induced Magnetisation Ji is produced within a rock in response to an applied external magnetic field.


Remnant Magnetisation

Magnetic field may exist within rock even in absence of external field due to permanently magnetic particles. This is remnant or permanent magnetisation.


Interpretation of magnetic data complicated as magnetic field due to a subsurface body results from combined effect of two vector magnetisations that may have different magnitudes and directions.


Diamagnetism and Paramagnetism

All atoms have a magnetic moment due to orbit of electrons around nucleus and spin of elections moment (i.e. behave like a small bar magnet).

According to quantum theory, two electrons can exist in same electron shell if they have opposite spins. Magnetic moment of paired electrons will cancel out

In most materials, no overall magnetisation exists in absence of external field, because the magnetic moments of adjacent atoms are randomly distributed and cancel.





In metals such as cobalt, nickel and iron, unpaired electrons are coupled magnetically due to strong interaction between adjacent atoms and overlap of electron orbits.



Magnetic Domains

Unmagnetised Domains

Induced Non-Permanent Ferromagnetism

Induced Permanent Ferromagnetism

Antiferromagnetism and Ferrimagnetism



Magnetisation of Ferromagnetic Materials


Hysteresis Loop in Magnetisation

Note: Small loop is hysteresis without saturation.

Curie Temperature

Cure temperature is temperature at which mineral loses its ferromagnetic behaviour, and any permanent magnetisation is lost.

Titanomagnetite 100-200o C

Titanomaghemite 150-450o C

Magnetite 550-580o C

Hematite 650-680o C


Low-Temperature Oxidation

Magnetic Susceptibilities of Rocks and Minerals

Magnetic susceptibility k is the physical parameter of magnetics surveying (equivalent to density in gravity).

Rocks with significant concentrations of ferri/ferro-magnetic minerals have highest susceptibilities:

Ultramafic rocks highest 95,000 – 200,000

Mafic rocks high 550 – 122,000

Felsic rocks low 40-52,000

Metamorphic low 0-73,000

Sedimentary very low 0-360

Measured Values of Magnetic Susceptibility

Primary Remnant Magnetisation

Rocks can become permanently magnetised in the Earth’s magnetic field,.

It is this that permits tracing past plate motions and locating magnetic ores.

Primary remnant magnetisation refers to permanent magnetisation created during formation of a rock.



Thermal Remnant Magnetisation (TRM)



Detrital Remnant Magnetisation (DRM)


Secondary Remnant Magnetisation

Secondary remnant magnetisation refers to magnetisation acquired later in a rock’s history by alteration processes.



Chemical Remnant Magnetisation (CRM)



Viscous Remnant Magnetisation (VRM)


Königsberger Ratio

Remnant magnetisation may be much greater than that induced by Earth’s field today, e.g. with TRM.

Königsberger Ratio Q is measure of ratio of intensity of remnant to induced magnetisation:





Earth’s Distant Magnetic Field

Near the Earth’s surface: magnetic field originates largely from currents flowing in the liquid outer core, and the magnetisation of surface rocks.

Away from the surface: magnetic field is affected by currents caused by the movement of charged particles associated with Van Allen radiation belts.

Some of these charged particles are responsible for the Aurora Borealis near the poles.

At great distance: the magnetic field is due to charged particles from the sun, the solar wind.

Earth’s Dipole Field

Earth’s magnetic field roughly appears as if it originated from a large bar magnet located at the centre of the Earth oriented at 11.5o to the axis of rotation.

Earth’s Magnetic Field

Geomagnetic Pole: the position on Earth’s surface intersected by the axis of the dipole that fits best the Earth’s magnetic field.

o        North: Hayes Peninsula in northern Greenland

o        South: Vostock research station in Antarctica

Magnetic Pole (or Dip Pole): the position where the magnetic field is vertical

o        North: North of Bathurst Island in Canadian Arctic

o        South: 150 km offshore off Adelie coast of Antarctica

Geomagnetic and Magnetic Poles differ slightly because Earth’s magnetic field is not quite a dipole.

Generation of Earth’s Magnetic Field

Exact mechanism responsible for generation of Earth’s magnetic field is not known.

Believed to be associated with electrical eddy currents induced within the liquid outer core by its slow internal convection.

Secular Variation: Magnetic field is slowly changing due to core processes, e.g. location of south magnetic pole:

Description of Earth’s Magnetic Field

A compass needle free to move in 3-D will point along the magnetic field, i.e. it will point down where field points into Earth.

Geomagnetic field can be described by the declination D, the inclination I, and total field vector F.

Can calculate (magnetic) latitude, l, from inclination:

Earth’s Non-Dipolar Field

90% of Earth’s magnetic field can be represented by a dipole.

Difference between the actual magnetic field and that of the best-fitting dipole is called the non-dipolar field.

Features in non-dipolar field with magnitudes of 20,000 nT extending for 1000s km.

Non-dipolar field can be represented as 8-12 small dipoles locate radially close to liquid core, simulate cores eddy currents.


International Geomagnetic Reference Field

Geomagnetic field can be represented mathematically, and international standard is called International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF).

Total field is recalculated every 5 years because of secular variation. Year of calculation is called the epoch.

Total field intensity of the IGRF epoch 1980:

Variations in Earth’s Magnetic Field

Geomagnetic Reversals

Earth’s magnetic field flips polarity unpredictably on geological time scale due to sudden changes in fluid motions in core.

Secular Variations

Diurnal Variations

Magnetic Storms

Torsion and Balance Magnetometers (Obsolete)

Magnetometers measure the total magnetic field FT or the horizontal and/or vertical components of magnetic field, FH and FZ respectively.

First magnetometers devised in1640 essentially comprised:

Needle oriented in direction of magnetic field at station location.

Adolf Schmidt Variometer

Magnetic beam asymmetrically balanced on agate knife edge, and zeroed at base station.


Fluxgate Magnetometer

Measures component of magnetic field parallel to cores with accuracy of 1-10 nT.

Comprises two parallel cores of high m ferromagnetic material.

Primary coil wound on two cores in series in opposite directions. Secondary coils also wound, but in opposite direction to primary.

Operation of Fluxgate Magnetometer

Principle of Operation of Fluxgate Magnetometer

Proton Precession Magnetometer

Uses sensor consisting of bottle of proton-rich liquid, usually water or kerosene, wrapped with wire coil.

Two sensors indicates a gradiometer

Principle of Operation of Proton Magnetometer

A. In ambient field, majority of protons aligned parallel to field, remainder antiparallel.

B) Current in coil generates strong magnetic field at right angles to Earth’s field, causing all protons to align.

C.When current turned off protons precess back to orientation of Earth’s field.

C.Measuring frequency of current in coil gives magnitude of Earth’s total magnetic field as it is proportional to precession frequency.

D.Measuring current frequency to 0.004 Hz gives field to ±0.1nT.


Airborne and Seaborne Magnetometers

Proton precession magnetometers are used extensively in marine and airborne surveys:

Often active compensation for magnetic effect of aircraft is calculated. Effectiveness of compensation is called Figure of Merit (FOM).


Aeromag is rapid, cost-effective method for covering large areas.

Magnetic Gradiometers

Gradiometers use two sensors separated by fixed distance to measure gradient of the Earth’s magnetic field:

Example of 3-axis gradiometer system:




Magnetic Surveying

Ground Surveys


Airborne Surveys

Note that h is flight height above magnetic basement, not Earth’s surface.


Reduction of Magnetic Survey Data 1

Magnetics data reduction is usually simpler than with gravity, comprising:

1.  Diurnal Correction

2.  Geomagnetic Correction

3.  Elevation/Terrain Correction (occasionally)

Diurnal Variation

Reduction of Magnetic Survey Data 2

Geomagnetic Correction

Similar to latitude correction in gravity: produces "anomaly" data

Earth’s total magnetic field varies from 25,000 nT at equator to 69,000 nT at poles

Three possible correction methods:

1) Subtraction of IGRF: Earth’s theoretical magnetic field is removed from survey data by subtracting IGRF

2) Linear approximation to IGRF: Earth’s field is approximated by linear variation across survey area, and subtracted:

For example, in UK IGRF is approximated by 2.13 nT/km north, and 0.26 nT/km west.

3.  Regional correction: With large surveys, regional trend can be estimated and removed to leave residual anomaly, as with gravity data.

Terrain Correction


Shape of Magnetic Anomalies

Interpretation more complicated than gravity data because:

1.  Earth’s magnetic field is dipolar: single body can appear as peak and trough


Vertical component of magnetic field induced in body inclined at 60o parallel to Earth’s magnetic field (no remnant magnetisation)

1.  Remnant magentisation unknown: strength and direction Jr can distort anomaly shape

Qualitative Interpretation of Magnetic Anomalies

General inferences can be made from magnetic anomaly shapes



Qualitative Profile Interpretation

Identify zones with different magnetic properties:

Example: Mineralisation in granite (Dartmoor, UK)

Example: Geochemically identical dolerite dykes (Arran, Scotland)

Qualitative Map Interpretation

Magnetic data acquired on ugrids can be displayed as maps

Example: Shetland Islands, Scotland

Interpretation in terms of magnetic characteristics:

Magnetic Profile Across Buried Sphere

Magnetic data are often interpreted in terms of specific geometric forms that approximate subsurface bodies.

Sphere or dipping sheet most common and no remnance assumed


Example with F = 50000 nT, I=60o, D=0o, k=0.05 for sphere radius 1 m at 3 m depth located at x=15 m.



Magnetic Profile Across Vertical Dyke


Total field over 50 m thick vertical dyke with F = 50000 nT, I=60o, D=0o, k=0.05



Magnetic Profile Across Flat Slab


Total field over 70 m thick, 400 m long flat slab located 30 m below surface with F = 50000 nT, I=60o, D=0o, k=0.05


Effect of Change of Position on Magnetic Profile

Total field over 10 m wide vertical dyke oriented E-W

Total field over 5 m wide dyke with varying dips

Effect of Change of Latitude

Unlike gravity, magnetic anomaly shape changes with latitude, because orientation and magnitude of Earth’s total field varies.

Changes induced magnetisation.


5 m thick dyke dipping at 45 degrees to north with E-W strike with different magnetic inclinations

In Northern Hemisphere:

In Southern Hemisphere:

Depth Determination

Can get very approximate depth from magnetic anomalies

Sphere or half-cylinder: Depth to centre of body w is roughly equal to width of anomaly peak at half its maximum value dFmax/2.

Dipping Sheet or Prism: Depth to centre of body is roughly width of linear segment of anomaly d.

Peter’s Half-Slope Method (~theoretically-based)

Application to Mineral Exploration

Example from Saramäki deposit, Finland

Target is massive copper in mineralised black schists, beneath 30 m glacial overburden.

Modelling of Saramäki ore body


Detection of Underground Iron Pipes

Possible to identify underground pipes, and sometimes joints between sections, reducing excavation required for repairs.

Each individually cast segment behaves as dipole, causing repetition of anomalies along length

Example 1: E-W oriented pipe composed of 6.3 m segments with diameter 0.5 m at 0.5 m depth

Gradiometer Data contoured at 200 nT/m


Example 2: N-S oriented pipe with 7.6 cm diameter

Gradiometer data contoured at 50 nT/m

Stanford Environmental Test Site Layout

Number of objects typical found in near surface buried in test site, which was surveyed

Magnetics Survey of Stanford Test Site